Daniel Schallau's Discussions

Topic Users Replies Views Activity
by Emile Holmewood
Emile Holmewood - Illustrator in Tokyo Luis Mendo - Illustrator in Tokyo Daniel Schallau - Illustrator in Tokyo + 2 5 916 1 yr
Creating a 合同会社/株式会社 and US tax laws
by Andrew Browne
Andrew Browne - Artist in Tokyo Daniel Schallau - Illustrator in Tokyo + 1 3 566 2 yr
Co-working spaces and Cafes in Tokyo
by Emile Holmewood
Emile Holmewood - Illustrator in Tokyo Luis Mendo - Illustrator in Tokyo Mark McFarlane - Developer in Tokyo Hengtee Lim - Writer in Tokyo Yuko Sakazaki - Web / Mobile Designer in Tokyo + 6 11 1491 5 yr
Event Report: Tokyo Illustrators Meetup #16
by Andrew Joyce
Andrew Joyce - Illustrator in Tokyo Marina Gonzalez - Illustrator in Tokyo Emile Holmewood - Illustrator in Tokyo Daniel Schallau - Illustrator in Tokyo Jennifer Piatkowski - Illustrator in Tokyo + 4 4 1040 5 yr
Apple and Microsoft's recent product announcements - How do you feel as a creative?
by Mark McFarlane
Mark McFarlane - Developer in Tokyo Daniel Schallau - Illustrator in Tokyo + 1 2 1329 7 yr
Event Canvas Illustrators Round Table - Finding Japanese Clients, Thu Aug 25th @Tacchi Studios
by chiyun yeh
chiyun yeh - Illustrator in Tokyo Loic Locatelli - Illustrator in Tokyo Takako Miki - Illustrator in Tokyo Daniel Schallau - Illustrator in Tokyo Mark McFarlane - Developer in Tokyo + 5 5 1367 7 yr
Canvas Announcement Creation editor v2 - Multiple images, image size control, text formatting.
by Mark McFarlane
Mark McFarlane - Developer in Tokyo George Popescu - Photographer in Tokyo Daniel Schallau - Illustrator in Tokyo Kohei Okada - Photographer in Tokyo Petar Tasev - Illustrator in Tokyo + 4 10 1363 7 yr