
18 February 2021 ● less than 1 min read ● 1 image

This series of images is nearing an end, and I brought together many elements from previous works in the series in this one. As with all the images, it's created from a single photograph of a concrete wall, and the narratives I see playing out within the cracks and holes and stains.

I wanted the figures on the path to remain ambiguous; both their form and the direction they are moving. So too the path itself; whether solid or not, whether emanating light or illuminated by it, and so on.

This was a difficult work to consider finished; in fact there are parts which I still feel need more work. But I didn't want this to become yet another image on which I endlessly work but never finish or share, it is, at its current stage of progress.

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About Paul

Paul VincentFarrell

I'm a photographer in Tokyo, Japan

I make photographs, 360-panoramas, composites and collages.

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