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About me
I'm a 360-photographer, retoucher and digital artist with a long photographic background and an enthusiastic, inquisitive spirit. I make photographs, 360-panoramas, composites and collages.
I make work to encourage imagination, and to show people places and things they have never seen, or which may not even exist.
I love journeys, technology and science, exotica and the unknown, the wonder of the everyday, life itself.
Living in Tokyo since 2004 to discover more about Japanese design and culture, while travelling to India for regular inspiration and reality checks.
Life is short. So many amazing possibilities!
My Creations
Meditation, Mitake
5 February 2020
While living in London in the 1990s, I met an old South American man. He told me that many years previously he had learned from a Shaman how to “read” the jungle, and showed me photographs he had taken there.
It seemed to align with something a friend said to... continue reading (1, 1 image)
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George Harrison (from the series "Guru")
9 February 2020
I was asked to contribute a portrait for a book project, Play For a Living, in which quotes by famous people who embraced “play” in their philosophy or life's work would be paired with their portraits made by contemporary artists.
His having been a great inspiration in my own life... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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Warriors and Gods (from the series "Dualities")
16 February 2020
I have been photographing clouds from the window seats of planes since 1993. In fact an early series of these taken in 1995 formed the main body of my portfolio for many years. My archive of cloud photographs now numbers in the thousands.
As I reflected various photographs in Photoshop... continue reading (1, 1 image)
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Water Sprites (from the series "Yaoyorozu no Kami, Enoshima")
25 February 2020
Living in Japan and learning of the “Yaoyorozu no Kami”, I began what has since become an evolving, long-term project.
The first series of the project used photographs taken in Enoshima
With this image, Water Sprites, I wanted to create an ornate, fractal other-worldliness, pulsing with life. Two large entities,... continue reading (0, 1 image)Fans of Title of creation here
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After a trip to the Himalayan foothills in 2019, I realized I had hardly worked on any of my photographs from multiple visits over the years. India for me has always been a place for conceiving new ideas, meeting people, and going on peaceful walks in spectacular parts of nature... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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Cataclysm (from the series "Flux")
7 March 2020
Flight rule #1: always get a window seat!
I have been photographing clouds from planes since 1993 and built up a huge archive of photographs. In fact an early series of cloud photographs taken in 1995 formed the main body of my portfolio for many years.
As part of a... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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The Subterranean Pool (from the series “Myths”)
24 March 2020
I wanted to create a more narrative series of work than my usual photographic collages. The images were made intentionally “noisy”, warped and distorted to blur detail...
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New Guinea II (from the series “Entities”)
9 April 2020
A related project to the Dualities series, constructed from images of clouds. I wanted to look closer at the living/conscious forms within my images, and so increased the scale of them within the composites. The photographs are blended to reveal new entities - whether terrestrial and organic, cybernetic, alien, or... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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I wanted to search for the spirits of Aokigahara, to capture what gave rise to the feeling of unease that seemed to inhabit the place.
My original photos capture what looks like a kind of post-disaster chaos in a tangle of branches and leaves, or a mossy, silent shadowy undergrowth... continue reading (1, 1 image)
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Luke Rhinehart (from the series “Guru”)
6 May 2020
Another portrait made for the book project, Play For a Living, in which quotes by famous people who embraced “play” in their philosophy or life's work are paired with their portraits made by contemporary artists.
George Cockcroft (a.k.a. Luke Rhinehart) has been inspiring and deeply influential in my approach to... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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25 October 2020
Seeing the infinite in the everyday, the spiritual in the banal, the extraordinary in the commonplace.
There is a wall quite close to my home, a big concrete wall with cracks and holes that nobody seems to pay much attention to. I spent an entire afternoon photographing the wall, and... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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5 November 2020
Another image from the series.
Seeing the infinite in the everyday, the spiritual in the banal, the extraordinary in the commonplace.
I spent an entire afternoon photographing a wall quite close to my home, a big concrete wall with cracks and holes that nobody seems to pay much attention to... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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12 November 2020
Another recent image, from a photograph of a concrete wall a few minutes walk from my home.
Worked in Photoshop to reveal the being and the context in which I saw it, but which seemed invisible to others.
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Presence (Choice)
19 November 2020
My most recent image, from a photograph of a concrete wall a few minutes walk from my home. Worked in Photoshop to construct more of a narrative and sense of place than previous works in the series.
I was aiming for an ambiguous feeling somewhere between sorrow, acceptance and hope... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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24 November 2020
The most recent image from photographs of a concrete wall a few minutes walk from my home. Working in Photoshop to reveal the characters, scenarios and situations I see in the ostensibly random holes, marks and stains on the surface.
In this image I saw a group of figures which... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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7 December 2020
Constructed from a single photograph of a concrete wall, uncovering/revealing the figures and scenes I see in the random holes, marks, stains, cracks, weeds and moss.
Having already completed a few images in the series with a slightly darker and more mysterious atmosphere, this part of the wall appealed to... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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28 December 2020
Constructed from a single photograph of a concrete wall, uncovering/revealing the figures and scenes I see in the random holes, marks, stains, cracks, weeds and moss.
Here was an unmistakable female form, casting her magic...
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4 January 2021
Seen from a distance, towering above the landscape...
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12 January 2021
The challenge of this piece was to transform the flat surface of the concrete wall in the original photograph into a space with the feeling of a deeper horizon, creating a sense of light and air from the original cold, hard concrete "background".
The main figures were apparent from the... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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18 February 2021
This series of images is nearing an end, and I brought together many elements from previous works in the series in this one. As with all the images, it's created from a single photograph of a concrete wall, and the narratives I see playing out within the cracks and holes... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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Sakura Fall, Tsurumigawa
26 May 2021
With springtime, a new series of images.
Until recently I lived near the Tsurumi river (or Tsurumigawa) and would cycle along it almost daily, following its curves and bends and intersections with other tributaries as it grows from a narrow tree-lined stream flowing through local suburbs to become a gentle... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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By The Stream, Sunset
2 June 2021
Until recently I lived near the Tsurumi river (or Tsurumigawa) and loved the way it grows from a narrow tree-lined stream flowing through local suburbs to become a gentle river amid urban farmland and eventually opening into wide vistas, lined with grass and concrete.
This image was constructed from photographs... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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Luminous Evening
11 June 2021
Another image in my Riverside series. Until recently I lived near the Tsurumi river (or Tsurumigawa) and loved the way it grows from a narrow tree-lined stream flowing through local suburbs to become a gentle river amid urban farmland and eventually opening into wide vistas, lined with grass and concrete.
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Quiet Pool, Tsurumigawa
17 June 2021
Another image in my Riverside series. Until recently I lived near the Tsurumi river (or Tsurumigawa) and loved the way it grows from a narrow tree-lined stream flowing through local suburbs to become a gentle river amid urban farmland and eventually opening into wide vistas, lined with grass and concrete.
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Glimpse (Night), Near Ebina
29 September 2021
Night cycling, looking across rice fields, a vista of towers and wires, houses on the hillside, a three-quarter moon obscured by clouds.
I love glimpses of surroundings while racing along dark paths at night - must keep eyes on the path ahead but the landscape, reduced to a few specific... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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Glimpse (Dusk), Kanagawa
14 October 2021
The sweet scent of flowers permeating the warm air at dusk.
A house, glowing.
Gentle calm.
Something enchanting.Fans of Title of creation here
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Every Day...
28 October 2021
I've noticed over the years many fundamental beliefs which recur in my journaling, and which provide a foundation for all that I do. Journaling has been a constant for me over the last 3 decades, something I've integrated into my daily routine and which helps bring regular insight and a... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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We Are Tiny...
4 November 2021
I've noticed over the years many fundamental beliefs which recur in my journaling, and which provide a foundation for all that I do. Journaling has been a constant for me over the last 3 decades, something I've integrated into my daily routine and which helps bring regular insight and a... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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On Gratitude
11 November 2021
I recently made a list of many fundamental beliefs I hold, which help bring regular insight and a sense of clarity to daily life. Together they form a kind of manifesto for my approach to life, creativity and the world around me. I have been pairing them with unused photographs... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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Others' Opinions...
19 November 2021
I recently made a list of many fundamental beliefs I hold, which help bring regular insight and a sense of clarity to daily life. Together they form a kind of manifesto for my approach to life, creativity and the world around me. I have been pairing them with unused photographs... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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Anything you like...
15 December 2021
I recently made a list of many fundamental beliefs I hold, which help bring regular insight and a sense of clarity to daily life. Together they form a kind of manifesto for my approach to life, creativity and the world around me. I have been pairing them with unused photographs... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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Deep Forest
20 April 2022
First in a series of panoramic images of Japanese forests.
This composite image includes part of the forest on the slopes of Mt. Takao, dense undergrowth from woods elsewhere in Kanagawa, and wildflowers growing by a stream in a grove near the Tsurumi River.Fans of Title of creation here
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Numinous Forest
12 May 2022
Part of a series of panoramic images of Japanese forests.
This composite image includes sections of the upper Tama river as well as various scenes of the forest on - and views from - the slopes of Mt. Mitake.Fans of Title of creation here
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