Foodgram is an iOS app that I designed and built to help me track what I was eating visually without mucking up my Photos app on my phone. The idea is that by taking a photo of everything I was about to consume I would become more conscious of what I was consuming and perhaps not eat that candy bar.
This is the second iteration of the idea. The first iteration was an app focusing on capturing your best meals and stored just photos and you could scroll through a nice big history of them. It looked like this:
I designed and developed the second iteration with the idea of tracking things a week at a day and it only allows for adding food for the current day. As I used it longer I noticed that I wanted to track not just _what_ I was eating, but also how much protein, calories, and so forth.
The most difficult thing about this product was polishing the design of the product. Trying to really dive deep and ensuring all interactions feel natural so users don't have to think how to use it. If they do they simply think "Of course" it works that way and move on.
I'm a freelance software product builder based in Kanagawa. I mostly build apps for the web using python and node.
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