James Van Dyne - Developer in Tokyo

James Van Dyne

I'm a developer in Tokyo, Japan

In employment

I speak English and Japanese

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About me

I'm a product builder based in the Shounan area in Kanagawa originally from the US. I enjoy designing and building new products that are simple to use and sweat the details.

I've been building and designing products for over 10 years. In October 2011 ImageXY, a batch image resizing app for Mac I wrote, was on the cover of MacWorld magazine. I'm pretty proud of that.

I'm currently building a platform for helping businesses build better software called Kwoosh. You should ask me about it.

My Creations

  1. We built ImageXY because a real estate client was having difficulty uploading images of houses to their website. Certain images needed to be one size and other images another and nobody could remember the sizes anyways.

    ImageXY was an attempt to solve this problem where a user could drag in... continue reading (0, 1 image)

  2. Airbot - Air Quality Monitor

    20 February 2017

    Airbot is an air quality monitoring system for the city of Houston that does three things:

    1) Archives air quality / pollution data from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
    2) Makes the data available as a REST API
    3) Tweets out @kuukihouston when certain pollutants (e.g. Benzene, which causes... continue reading (0, 0 images)

  3. Foodgram - Personal Food Diary

    Foodgram is an iOS app that I designed and built to help me track what I was eating visually without mucking up my Photos app on my phone. The idea is that by taking a...

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