Engine Heads

13 September 2016 ● 1 min read ● 5 images

While sitting browsing the web one day I likened my head to that of a jumbo jet engine. Rather than air, I was sucking up the boundless amount of information available to the vacuum of my mind. 

They started off as babies then I made their family.

They came out in a variety of ways from drawings to concrete and recently in digital 3D using Houdini.

I like your sepia tone sketches the best. Not the dots on the paper so much. Of course your digital renderings at the bottom are top notch, but the babies have a lot of character. Any plans to expanding this?

I like your sepia tone sketches the best. Not the dots on the paper so much. Of course your digital renderings at the bottom are top notch, but the babies have a lot of character. Any plans to expanding this?

Oops. I duplicated my comment.

Hey Daniel Schallau , Thanks for the comments. x2 ;)
The engine head characters have evolved and taken many forms over the years. As for expanding, if you mean a story, I'm drawing a blank. The most I came up with for a dialogue was in that sepia tone composition. There's a father figure looking off to the horizon standing guard over his family. The mother's focus is on their child. This child is observing the father. I was interested in following through to rig the 3D version for animation.

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About Paul

Paul Richardson

I'm an illustrator in Tokyo, Japan

I'm a seasoned creative art professional with extensive experience and an excellent eye for detail. Trained in traditional fine arts and self taught in computer arts. Hard work is my middle name.

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