The children's book Curtains was written and illustrated under four months in the Fall of 2018 for an Introductory Computer Imaging Class. At the end of the semester, Curtains was selected by the professor of the class to be professionally bound by the Temple University Japam Campus library. One of the two copies produced is now part of the library's collection. In November of 2019, the book was displayed at a TUJ-SWU Joint Exhibition by a group of art students from both campuses.
Curtains tells the story of a young Brazilian girl who goes with her grandpa to visit his longtime friend, a Japanese urushi-e artist. Curious and restless, she begins to explore the house and is then introduced to a whole new world and experiences. The story was based on the life of the author's grandpa, who was an urushi-e artist in Brazil.
First two pages of the book:
All of the illustrations were hand-colored with color pencils.
2019 TUJ-SWU Joint Exhibition:
Interested in illustration, creative writing, and photography.
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