Access English

14 March 2019 ● less than 1 min read ● 1 image
Access English

Access English is a boutique English school in Toronto, Canada. The owners wanted to convey the «small school» feeling, highlighting the level of attention to the students and the family feeling.
Coming from a website first designed in 1995, there was absolutely no branding or style guide. I have designed the logo, created the branding guide, and designed and developed the website.
I have spent 6 months working with the owners, while also producing most of the photos and videos for the website. The owners decided to put the focus on the desktop version, hence the large screen first approach. This website is still under my maintenance, and will have the mobile version reworked.

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About Jonathan

Jonathan Magoga

I'm an ux professional in Tokyo, Japan

I make things simpler to use. Websites and apps mostly, but also life.
I'm a UI/UX designer & Frontend Dev. with 20+ years of experience.

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