A few photos I took one evening when I was bored and looking for some learning.
I decided to head out onto the streets of Shibuya with my GH4 camera accompanied only by the 7-14mm f4.0 wideangle lens and see what I could do.
I don't think the results are anything special - they looked even worse in colour, haha! - but I feel like it was a worthwhile exercise, and a good example of what can be done with the new editing tools we're building for Canvas.
This creation was made using the new Canvas creation editor.
The new tools support:
- Ability to add multiple images, text etc.
- Ability to choose if images are full-width, medium or small.
- Ability to format text as headers, quotes etc.
An example of the interface for controlling image size:
And one for text formatting:
In the near future we'll add the ability to embed videos and Soundcloud (later this week probably).
The new editor is currently in private alpha as it's still a bit raw and buggy. We're allowing a small number of users to get their hands on it now to help us test and improve it before we release to all members.
So if you're interested in trying it out early, please send me a message or email me at mark@tacchistudios.com and tell me a little about what you'd like to do with it!
Founder and director of Tacchi Studios, a digital product agency in Shibuya, Tokyo. 💗 cats, food, cycling, design, tech.
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