Looking for artists/designers interested in a fun project

Rachel Roberts
1 June 2017

Journey to the End of the Night is a free volunteer-run urban street game, similar to onigokko, or the show the Amazing Race, or a scavenger hunt where you and a couple hundred others are being chased and must complete creative collaborative challenges across Tokyo ...
This is our website: http://toky0.org/
It takes about 3 months worth of planning to pull it off, and has been organized 4 times in Tokyo, and many more across the world. We are looking for an artist to create an image for the next Journey, based on a specific theme. In the past we have had themes such as: Heroes and Villains, Space, Time-travel, and Salarymen. We would use the image for promotion and you would have artistic freedom in designing the image. We are a group of fun-loving semi-adults, who get excited by creating this experience for others, and you would be free to participate as much or as little in planning the event with us.
Please get in contact if you are interested and would like to know more!

Daniel Ponce
Game Developer
16 June 2017

I would like to know more!

Rachel Roberts
17 June 2017

Hey Daniel Ponce ! What exactly would you like to know more about? The artist role, the game in general or something else?

Daniel Ponce
Game Developer
18 June 2017

Yeah for the artist role. Sorry I wasn't specific before.

Rachel Roberts
19 June 2017

No problem, will message you further details!

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