Timo Wright - Filmmaker in Tokyo

Timo Wright

I'm a filmmaker in Tokyo, Japan

I speak English, German, and Swedish

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My activity

About me

I'm a media artist and film maker, interested in new and alternative ways of telling meaningful stories.

My Creations

  1. Embrace

    12 February 2024

    An empty, abandoned house. Slowly it fills with a red smoke, embracing the whole building.

    Experimental short film. (4min 34s)

  2. Ex Nihilo

    12 February 2024

    Ex Nihilo (2017) is an experimental short documentary about life, death and our attempts to control them. It tells three separate and seemingly unrelated stories. The stories, which are played out on three different screens, start to slowly entwine, creating new interpretations and meanings.

    The first film is about one... continue reading (1, 0 images)

  3. The Common Table

    12 February 2024

    The Common Table (2023) is an audio installation about food traditions and how they are changing. The work consists of 11 interviewes from Japan and Finland with people who work or are involved in the food industry.

  4. Remnant Layers

    12 February 2024

    Remnant Layers (2023) is an interactive audio experience about the real and unreal. It can be experienced using the StoryDrops app in Zenpukuji Park in Tokyo. It swaps and remixes local and articifical ambiences, and questions what is true, and what is untrue around us.

  5. Nemesis (Νεμεσις)

    29 February 2024

    Nemesis (2014). The goddess of revenge, Nemesis (Νεμεσις) metes out a merciless punishment to those who succumb to hubris: arrogance and indifference. The name can be translated as ‘to give what is due.’ In popular culture and everyday speech, Nemesis is generally used to refer to an arch enemy.

    Most... continue reading (0, 1 image)

  6. Surprise びっくり

    13 February 2024
    Surprise びっくり

    Surprise びっくり (2023) is a humoristic art design project, where a minimalist "oshibori" becomes a joke and encounter to be shared with other people around you in a rest...

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