Dan Orlowitz - Photographer in Tokyo

Dan Orlowitz

I'm a photographer in Tokyo, Japan

Available for contracts

I speak English and Japanese

My activity

About me

Soccer journo, punk photographer, lyric fixer, steampunk band manager, aspiring maker, and attempter of things that seem fun to try

My Creations

  1. Short film I shot and edited a couple years back at ELLE DJ NIGHT, an Ellegarden-centric J-Punk DJ event I've done photography at since 2008.

    All filmed at the spur of the moment but it was an enjoyable chance to document a scene that I was very much involved in... continue reading (0, 0 images)

  2. Mecha Uamou (3D print)

    29 July 2016

    We've been collecting Uamou figures (http://uamou.com/) for a couple of years now and after getting my 3D printer back up and running earlier this year I finally took on the 3D printable version (originally located here: http://uamou.com/start-3d-printing-uamou-today/)

    A conversation led me to wonder if I could print... continue reading (0, 1 image)