A Dream Unfulfilled

12 September 2019 ● 1 min read ● 0 images

Her almond colored eyes
Her beautiful smile, I cannot summarize
I loved her so, I loved her so
But in the end I let her go

She and I were two sides of a coin
Completely different, yet together adjoined
Unable to ever see each other, yet so very close
One side glistening, the other side gross

Both of us in love, her in love with another
I listened to her qualms, often times about her other
Eventually I lost it, confessed my love in tears
How much I loved her after all of these years

Weeks it took her to give me a reply
A psychiatric hospital I went to in the meantime
She told me kindly that she didn’t feel the same way
Another lover she accepted the same day

Into a deep depression I fell
Knowing now how it feels to walk through hell
With the passing of time, the depression faded
We became friends again, relationship no longer jaded

Suddenly she left, tearing out my heart
Depression returning, though I allowed her to depart
I had spent too much time chasing that which could never be caught
A dog chasing its tail, it so desperately sought

She tried coming back to me a year later
Apologies here and there, about how well I used to treat her
How she left me on the back burner, how sorry she felt
I denied her, rejecting the cards which she dealt

We haven’t spoken since, though her almond eyes haunt me still
I hope someday to find another but I doubt I ever will
Love that could have been, emotion in my heart distilled
A clean coin, both sides facing each other, a dream unfulfilled

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About Haseeb

Haseeb Ahmad

I'm a writer in Milwaukee, USA

I creatively write poetry, short stories and novels in my spare time.

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