Hello Eigo

20 November 2015 ● less than 1 min read ● 1 image
Hello Eigo

This is my attempt at making a content app for Android. The features include endless scrolling, login/signup, search, bookmarking and comments. It utilises a number of popular libraries, such as RxJava, Retrofit and Dagger 2. The back-end is a Rails API hosted on IDCF Cloud.

I'm quite pleased with how the design turned out, and learned a lot about consuming an API with an Android app and creating responsive layouts. I also learned exactly why so many people dislike Fragments. In the future, I'd like to add fancier transitions, multimedia content and round out the test coverage.

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About James

James Kirk

I'm a developer in Tokyo, Japan

I'm a developer living in Tokyo with an interest in Android and Ruby on Rails.

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