Design | Art | Programming
If you've ever released a game, you've found yourself in a position where you have to send it off to the gaming press. Maybe you don't know anyone, maybe you have a couple of contacts - either way, you're nervous and trying to contact as many people as you can to get the word out about your game. Cold Email is about that. Except your computer is also kind of messed up and about to explode.
In Cold Email, you need to fire off emails as fast as you can before your computer explodes from malware. The send button has a nasty tendency to wander in the Game Jam title, though, so it may be difficult to get out all of those necessary emails before your PC bursts into flames. Do try, though, as your game, and your livelihood depends on it.
Download it here
An independent game designer who believes in creating polished and juicy game experiences by teaming up with talented collaborators.
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