Ryan Alldridge - Filmmaker in Tokyo

Ryan Alldridge

I'm a filmmaker in Tokyo, Japan

Available for contracts

I speak English

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My activity

About me

Director/Producer focused on Storytelling and Emerging Technology. 20+ years working with agencies on commercials & experiences. Web3 products FTW. Reach out and say hello!

My Creations

  1. Continuum

    22 November 2017

    I was engaged by the team at Straylight (www.straylight.jp) to direct a film telling the story of Continuum - a revolutionary technology that transforms remote work and social environments into seamlessly connected spaces. The film was broadcast via social media and helped the Continuum team surpass their crowdfunding... continue reading (0, 0 images)

  2. Director Reel

    15 November 2019

    Some of my work from the last little while in Japan - excludes all NDA related work including two television commercials that aired on TBS for Spotify. I produced, shot and edited everything. Thanks for watching!

  3. Murdersapiens

    21 October 2022

    Hey guys! Working on some NFT stuff for fun with Soulbomber. This collection has 256 pieces of 1/1 PFP art. It's on Opensea if you search MURDERSAPIENS. Learned a ton about the space, AI, and how to mess up a mint on Ethereum! Building a new brand called superperfect.xyz for... continue reading (0, 1 image)