Kaz Yoneda and everyone at Bureau 0–1, Inc. would like to wish you Happy Holidays and Happiest New Year!
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your kindness and support in making 2018 an eventful and productive year. Please accept our sincerest gratitude and hope for your continued support.
Bureau 0–1, going on to its 5th year in practice, have become incorporated as of January 2018. We continue to cultivate and evolve the practice; this year's highlights include the completion of Intelligent Logistics Center PROTO in April, Kaz's recent completion of the prestigious 2018 Richard Rogers Fellowship in London, and Jan Vranovský's engaging Expati vol. 2 lecture at CAMP in Prague.
Once again, thank you and we hope our paths will cross soon, through projects, collaborations, discourse, and research.
May the New Year be another happy and prosperous year for you and your family.
Happy Holidays!
from Bureau 0–1
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お陰様で本年も実り多い一年になり、頂いた御恩と激励の数々にBureau 0–1一同、心より御礼申し上げます。
破釜沈船の思いで2014年に立ち上げました"bureau0-1"も、本年1月をもちましてBureau 0–1株式会社に進化致しました。2018年のハイライトとしては、大和ハウスDPL市川ショールームの完成、カズ・ヨネダのリチャード・ロジャース・フェローシップ受賞や主要メンバーのヤン・ブラノブセキがプラハのCAMPで行ったExpati vol. 2トークイベントなどございます。
Japanese-American architect practicing in Tokyo. bureau0-1 was set up forArchitecture, Urban Design and Speculative Projects.
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