February 27 update:
We regret to inform everyone that we have postponed the Wikipedia editathon and panel talk after prime minister Abe urged organisers of cultural events to take measures to minimise the risks of the spread of Covid-19 yesterday.
We hope to bring you this event on March 27 (Fri) in the same format as originally planned.
We will continue to review the situation.

この度、政府からの「新型コロナウイルス感染拡大を防ぐためのイベントの開催自粛要請」 の方針に従い、テンプル大学にて実施を予定していた『アート+フェミニズムエディタソン』並びにトークイベントの延期を決定いたしました。

Yurie Nagashima 長島有里枝, Yoshiko Shimada 嶋田美子, Hikaru Toda 戸田ひかる, Yumi Song ユミソン

LOCATION 場所: Parliament Lounge (1F)
Temple University, Japan Campus
1-14-29 Taishido, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0004

This panel talk is an extension of our daytime Art+Feminism Wikipedia Editathon/Conference —an international communal updating of Wikipedia entries on subjects related to art and feminism.
Join Yurie Nagashima, Yoshiko Shimada, Hikaru Toda and Yumi Song for a billingual (Japanese/English) evening of discussion about their journeys to establish recognition for the work they care about in the arts.


Yurie Nagashima 長島有里枝
(1973, Tokyo, Japan) is an interdisciplinary artist and author. In 1993 while studying at Musashino Art University, she won the PARCO Prize in URBANART #2. In 1999 she completed an MFA in photography at California Institute of the Arts, California. In 2001, she won The 26th Kimura Ihei Photography Award, Tokyo. In 2010, she won the 26th Kodansha Essay Award, Tokyo. In 2015, she completed a Masters degree in arts and science at Musashi University, Tokyo. Currently while teaching photography at Waseda University, Tokyo University, she maintains a contemporary interdisciplinary practice. Her book "Bokura no Onanoko Shashin kara Watashitachi no Girly Photo e" was recently published by Daifuku Shorin.

1973年、東京都生まれ。1993年、武蔵野美術大学在学中に「アーバナート#2」でパルコ賞を受賞しデビュー。1999年カリフォルニア芸術大学 Master of Fine Arts 写真専攻修了。2001年『PASTIME PARADISE』で第26回木村伊兵衛写真賞受賞。 2010年、『背中の記憶』で第26回講談社エッセイ賞受賞。2015年武蔵大学人文科学研究科社会学専攻前期博士課程修了。早稲田大学、東京大学などで写真を教えながら、 ジャンルの枠を超えた表現活動を行なっている。最近著に『「僕ら」の「女の子写真」から わたしたちのガーリーフォトヘ』(大福書林)がある。

Yoshiko Shimada 嶋田美子
(1959, Tokyo, Japan) is a visual artist and art historian. She spent 4 years in the USA, graduating from Scripps College in 1982. She received Ph.D from Kingston University, London in 2015. She explores the themes of cultural memory and the role of women in the Asia-Pacific War, as both aggressors and victims. She uses printmaking, video, performance, research and archiving for her expression. Her art was on display recently at The Aichi Triennale (2019), “Beyond Hiroshima” at Tel Aviv University Art Gallery (2015). Shecurrently lectures on feminism and art at the University of Tokyo. She lives in Chiba, Japan.

アーティスト、フェミニスト、60−70年代オルタナティブ文化研究。1959年東京、立川に生まれる。現在南房総在住。1982年米国スクリップス大学卒。2015年、英国キングストン大学より博士号(美術史)取得。作品テーマは第二次世界大戦の文化的記憶とジェンダー 。作品は、2019年あいちトリエンナーレ「表現の不自由展、その後」、MQウィーン「Japan Unlimited」展、2017年ソウル市美術館「Asian Divas」展、2015年テルアビブでの「Beyond Hiroshima」展はじめ、国内外で展示されている。2017年より東京大学教育学部非常勤講師として戦後日本の美術、政治、フェミニズムについて講義。

Hikaru Toda 戸田ひかる
Hikaru Toda is a Director/Editor based in Osaka exploring the personal and the political spaces between 'strangers' and 'outsiders' with humor and wit. Hikaru grew up in Holland and studied visual anthropology and performance art in Goldsmiths, University of London. She worked as an ethnographer before moving into independent documentaries. For her directorial debut Of Love & Law (2017), she moved to Japan for the first time in 22 years. Of Love & Law has won the Firebird Award for Best Documentary at Hong Kong International Film Festival (2018) and Best Film in Japanese Cinema Splash category at Tokyo International Film Festival (2017) and was screened in international film festivals

Yumi Song ユミソン
Yumi Song is an artist, curator and writer based in Tokyo. Her work as an artist uses performance and installation. She writes for Tokyo Art Beat and she has been general director for major art projects including Fujinoyama Biennale 2014 and Kazenosawa Museum. She is the director of Baexong Arts.
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Art + Feminism - Why Wikipedia?
Wikimedia’s gender trouble is well-documented. While the reasons for the gender gap are up for debate, the practical effect of this disparity, however, is not. Content is skewed by the lack of female participation. This represents an alarming absence in an increasingly important repository of shared knowledge.

ウィキペディアにおける特筆性のある人物記事のうち女性は17%程度だけで、ウィキペディアにおけるエディターのうち女性は15%くらいしかいない。 アート+フェミニズム(英語: Art+Feminism)は毎年世界中で開かれている、ウィキペディアに女性芸術家に関する内容を追加していくエディタソンである。「記事内容も執筆者も非常に男性に偏っているウィキペディアにおける根強いバイアスを是正するための、国を越えた大きな努力」だと評されている運動である。

EVERYONE is welcome! People of all gender identities and expressions are invited to participate. And even if you don't have time to edit, please stop by and show your support.

ALSO: Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Wikipedia: Meetup/ ArtandFeminism/ Safe Space Policy, here: