A month ago we had the seventh Canvas “Sequential Art Meetup - Comics & Visual Storytelling” event at Tokyo Chapter’s gallery https://tokyochapter.com
Many thanks to all who came and contributed to a great afternoon of creative discussions!
This meetup was dedicated to ToCo’s (the Tokyo Collective) second project, titled “monogatari”. “monogatari” is an anthology with thirteen visual stories of inanimate objects in Tokyo told by fourteen creatives.
The event was held at monogatari’s exhibition, and ten of the fourteen artists presented about their creative process and the story behind their artwork. Each artist talked about their inspiration and the reason they chose that object in particular.
After the gallery tour, the participants sat down for a Q&A session. Questions included the struggles of making each story, the limitations and challenges of editing one's ideas, and also technical questions related to color and specific art supplies.
We hope everyone enjoyed hanging out and getting to meet fellow creatives, and that you were able to talk stories, ideas, collaborations, and life in general!
The reception to ToCo has been great, and it will continue in 2019! Stay tuned for more updates early next year.
“monogatari” and ToCo's first issue, "hajime", will also be available at Comic Art Tokyo on November 24 and Kaigai Manga Festa on November 25, if you’d like to pick up your own copy! Also, some ToCo members and our regular host Everyst will be displaying their work.
Special thanks to Tokyo Chapter for letting us use their gallery again and share our “monogatari” exhibition for the week!
Guest speakers:
Julia Nascimento
Erica Ward
Mariko Jesse
Lori Ono
Louis Etienne Vallee
Tania Vicedo
Kaori Noda
Felipe Kolb Bernardes
Chizuko Tanaka
Odding Wang
The evening’s attendees (in no particular order):
Nick West
Raul Trevino
Michael Shell
Rob Nugen
Yuta Komine
Tasunori Kono
Lisa Cojima
Sam Newstead
Elie Tanabe
Sho Akiyama
Julia Nascimento
Hengtee Lim