Interested in experimenting with Xcode and Swift?

Johnny Linnert
UX Professional
17 September 2015

Command Swift is a monthly workshop series focused on experimenting with the capabilities of Xcode and the Swift programming language.

Whether you're a development fledgling or code virtuoso, everyone has something they can teach: one learner each month will be asked to teach one skill (like implementing the Google Maps SDK via Swift, building a useable prototype quickly, or using tools like Parse to make a simple chat app -- whatever you have an interest in) the following month to the rest of the group.

This way, each student becomes an expert in one thing, and the group as a whole benefits from the diversity of everyone's knowledge; the Student is the Master.

Our prototype edition of Command Swift will be held on October 7, 19:30 at Tacchi Studios. If you're interested to join, check out our Facebook group here:

Mark McFarlane
18 September 2015

Can't wait for this, Johnny! It's great that you're setting this up. Should be super valuable for anyone looking to get into iOS (or tvOS) dev! 😄

Johan Ronsse
UX Professional
23 September 2015

Like this initiative!

Johnny Linnert
UX Professional
8 October 2015

Hey everyone! Just wanted to thank all of you who managed to make out for Command Swift 0 - the prototype!

It was a blast, and in the end we all managed to get our maps to show up -- woohoo!

Next month is bound to be just as fun, and once again, we'll work and experiment together to do something cool in Swift/Xcode!

Mark McFarlane
8 October 2015

Thanks Johnny for hosting! It was great to hang out and learn with everyone!

If anyone else is thinking about running a similar event and needs somewhere to host it, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me! We're always looking for ways to help the community in Tokyo!

P.S. I wrote a quick post on our blog at

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