[event] Canvas Round Table #3 - Monday April 11th, 7:30pm @ Tacchi Studios, Shibuya

Mark McFarlane
28 March 2016

Announcing the next Canvas Round Table!

Spaces are limited to 15 attendees, so please be sure to reserve your spot at https://canvasevents.doorkeeper.jp/events/42074!

"Calling all Canvas members and friends, again! We'd love to invite you to join us for an evening of meeting new people, creative discussion, sharing and ideation!

Canvas Round Table is based loosely around the format pioneered by our good friend Jean Snow for PauseTalk (http://pausetalk.org/). We'll get together around a big table in our humble office, briefly introduce ourselves to the group, and then get talking as a group! The conversation will be fluid, but we'll have a loose list of topics to discuss to keep things flowing nicely if needed. In particular, we'd love to discuss with you how we can make Canvas better and stronger for the community!

There will be opportunities to share your Canvas creations with the group, ask others about theirs, talk about features you'd like to see on Canvas in the future, ask for advice from the group and more!

We'll be providing snacks, beer etc, so the only thing you need to bring is yourself and your creative mind!

Spaces are limited to 15, so please ensure you only sign up if you intend to turn up! If you discover later on that you won't be able to attend, please ensure you update your RSVP so your place can be given to someone in the waitlist!

We're looking forward to seeing you!

Team Canvas

Please note, in order for us to be able to improve Canvas based on our discussion, we'll be recording the audio of the event for our own internal use. It will not be published on the net or shared with anyone."

Johnny Linnert
UX Professional
1 April 2016

Planning to join you all this time around! :)

George Popescu
12 April 2016

Great discussion and overall event. It was nice to meet everyone and talk about personal projects and about canvas. I think we have a long way to go but this is a good start if we could somehow focus our efforts in growing the Tokyo community feeling.
If anyone wants to get in touch with me in the future just send me a message through here. :)

George Popescu
12 April 2016

Not sure why it posted twice, but there's no option to delete it, just edit and so I have.

Tom Wilson
12 April 2016

Thanks for the round-table event. It was helpful to get a better idea of what direction Canvas is focused on, and to be a part of that process. Also to see what projects other folks have on.

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