Following/saving creatives I find interesting?

Laura Eck
11 March 2016

Is there a way to follow creatives whose work I like so I can easily find them and see more of what they do? Currently I have to bookmark them in my browser. If this exists, I can't find it, if not, possible future feature? :)

Mark McFarlane
11 March 2016

Hi Laura,

Thanks for the question! It's great that you've found some creatives that you're interested in following!

We currently don't have a feature for that I'm afraid, although it's certainly something we're considering for a future release. Perhaps when we next meet we can discuss some possible ways that could work?

Also, for anyone else reading this, we'd love to hear if Laura's request is something you'd like to use too! If the demand is strong enough we can make it more of a priority!



Laura Eck
11 March 2016

Sure, I'd love to chat about it when we next meet up! Maybe an option where you can switch your Creations feed to either general news as they are now and to filtered news of only creatives you're following?

Laura Eck
11 March 2016

It's already filterable by popularity or types of creatives, so if there were a way I could follow/star/like creatives, that could just be another filter option.

Mark McFarlane
14 March 2016

Great feedback, thanks Laura Eck! I'll try to get in touch to arrange a coffee soon!

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