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Senior software engineer with 15 years of experience that includes both technical management and hands-on development.

I am a full-stack engineer with a special focus in iOS applications. I also co-organize the Tokyo iOS Meetup, a monthly meetup for peopl...

software developer and lifelong UNIX administrator/user

Ex-Palantir engineer trying to have a positive impact on technology and culture in Japan.

Developer. Mostly Ruby. Sometimes Groovy.

Programmer, Photographer, and Filmmaker. Currently working for the Art and Technology company daisy* making interactive art.

I'm a developer and entrepreneur living in Tokyo, where I'm currently bootstrapping Doorkeeper, the most active event platform in Japan'...

I'm a multilingual web, mobile and interactive apps developer based in Tokyo and available for contract work.

I'm a full-stack developer with the focus on web and mobile applications

Multi task developer, from web to smartphones, from institutional sites to games. Using C, C++, C#, Java, Javaxcript, Php, Python, R and ...