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In May 2013, started photo project, "extrabokeh". In Mar. 2015, started a photo series "glassporthole".

I'm a Tokyo-based photographer & video producer from Canada

Hello, I'm Saori Aoyama. I'm photographer. I'm good at food and portait. I speak well Japanese only now,but I'd like to be able to s...

Woman photographer from Indonesia. Verified Airbnb photographer. Works range from a documentary, editorial, portraits, to commercials.

I am a Tokyo based bilingual photographer / Film Maker / PR specialist. I am also a husband to a lovely lady.

I use photography to physically explore and engage with the world. I have been documenting my encounters with foreign places and fascinat...

Freelance graphic designer, illustrator, and photographer

Hello, I'm a Photographer in Tokyo. My work ranges includes portraits, travel, documentary, and corporate.

I am American living and taking photos in Japan for more than 10 years. I stick to showing overlooked parts of Tokyo and sharing its beauty.

I live in Japan long enough to be embarrassed not to speak Japanese good enough. Worked as a photo journalist for leading international ...