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About me
I am an illustrator and window display designer living and working in Japan and New York. I was born and raised in Tokyo by an American father and Japanese mother. With both parents working in creative fields of business, I have always been around art. At 16, I moved to California to study at Idyllwild Arts Academy and later went on to get a BFA in Fine Arts from the School of Visual Arts.
Her clients include Warby Parker, Playtime Tokyo, Playtime New York, Van Aken International, Oyako Day, etc
オズボーン由良は、アメリカ人の父と日本人の母をもつ東京出身のアーティスト。2001年に、カリフォルニアにある美術高校 Idyllwild Arts Academy に入学。卒業後は、ニューヨークの美術大学 School of Visual Artsで Fine Arts を専攻。卒業後はフリーランスアーティストとして、テキスタイルデザイン、ウインドーディスプレイなどの作品をNYで発表。昨年末、永年慣れ親しんだアメリカから帰国。神奈川県の葉山で制作活動を開始した。彼女の制作コンセプトは、何気ない瞬間に感じた思いや、日常で発見した情景を描き、見た人と心の原風景を共有できるような作品を作ること。
For commissions or inquiries please contact me at
My Creations
My creation
23 December 2016
Collage I made based on the photo I took at Dimes.
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Happy New Year 2017
1 January 2017
New Year's card I made using shells, corals, and sand dollars I found on the beach.
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Coffee Shop in Hayama
12 March 2017
Collage I made based on the photo I took at Days386 in Hayama.
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Hayama Art Festival
8 May 2017
Hayama Art Festival Map I made showing the locations of Bruce Osborn's photo exhibitions.
Please visit on the link below for more info about Hayama Art Festival. of Title of creation here
From creatives in Tokyo
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Illustration at Warby Parker Store Event
10 May 2017
I was asked to illustrate dogs at a Warby Parker event. I decided to make little glasses with different shapes and colors and let the customers choose which ones they ...
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Workshop at Isetan Department Store
10 May 2017
I was invited to do a workshop at Isetan Department Store in Shinjuku. Using cards with photos of rocks and shells printed on them, I wanted everyone to use their imag...
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Women Who Draw
10 May 2017
Illustration I made for the Women Who Draw website. Women Who Draw is an open directory of female* professional illustrators, artists, and cartoonists who take freelance work. It was created by a group of women artists in an effort to increase the visibility of female illustrators.
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Lurex Pleated Dress by Gucci
13 May 2017
Lurex Pleated Dress by Gucci
Collage and acrylic paint.
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