Tamia Baudouin - Illustrator in Tokyo

Tamia Baudouin

I'm an illustrator in Tokyo, Japan

Available for contracts

I speak English and French

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My activity

About me

Hello there !
My name is Tamia Baudouin, I am a French illustrator and comic books author.
I live in Tokyo. I like rainy days and drinking sake.

My Creations

  1. A sample from the comic book I am working on right now. The story is about the life of Artemisia Gentileschi, a famous italian painter from the Renaissance.
    It will be released in 2017 by a French publisher named Delcourt.

  2. š! #22 "Fashion'

    22 August 2016

    š! #22 "Fashion', comics anthology with comics by eighteen international artists, released August, 2015 by kushkomikss.