My Creations
14 December 2015
Six wooden panels of coloured pencil. Drawn to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Association of Foreign Wives of Japanese ( with a show at Space Galleria in Chiba City. Purposefully large for visual impact to show that the show was one by pros, not hobbyists. Coloured pencils might have... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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Season's Greetings
25 December 2015
Happy holidays to you and yours! (Not real snow but the tree at the Kitte building covered in artificial snow will have to do for this Canadian girl.)
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Image Show at Gallery Camellia
18 February 2018
Next week's group show at Gallery Camellia in the Okuno bldg is a group of artists who usually use colour but have to work around the theme, 黒 (Black), chosen by Nana Masuda. When she first mentioned the theme, I remembered an etching of mine called, Willowy Darkness. I have... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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Aiko and Heart Tokushima
6 October 2018
Heart Tokushima is a no-kill animal shelter run by Susan Mercer and Hitoshi Tojo outside of Tokushima City, Japan. It is hard to believe that a volunteer-run animal shelter in rural Shikoku could take care of 250+ animals, sometimes more, and both receive them and send them all over Japan... continue reading (3, 1 image)
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Trade Routes
14 June 2019
This one of two dust paintings on paper as part of my Asian Winds series currently on display at Cafe 104.5, and both use dust from the Ochanomizu area collected by the cafe's curator. I started making Anthropocene art after becoming sensitive to pollution in the air, specifically fine particulate... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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News! ニュース!(English follows Japanese)
10 August 2019
アントロポセンの物質 | Anthropocenic Matter
ミシェル・ザカライアス | Michelle Zacharias
月-金 | Mon-Fri 3-8pm
土日休廊 | Closed on Sat/Sun九州と首都圏を拠点に活動するカナダ人アーティストのミシェル・ザカライアスは、大気のように広がるイメージが特徴的なドローイングとペインティングを主に手掛けています。正体の定かではない線や形の集まりからなるザカライアスのほぼ抽象的ともいえるイメージの多くは、空気の流れといった不定形の移ろいゆく現象を扱っており、さもなければ視界に映らないものへと姿を与え、日常の認識の世界へとそれらを誘います。
本展では、精製された埃によるモノクロームのドローイングである「Asian Winds」(亜細亜の風)シリーズから二点を紹介します。このシリーズは、ザカライアスが様々な場所へと出かけ、その空気に含まれる微粒子を抽出することで収集した顔料でドローイングを制作するものです。このプロセスによって生まれた色は、その場所のみならず、その場所が世界の他の場所とどのような関係にあるかも示しており、サイトスペシフィックであると同時に関係性的なものといえるでしょう。このいわば「ファウンド・ピグメント」を用いてザカライアスが描くモチーフには、水と風の流れに覆われた地球のイメージが度々含まれています。そのようにして、ザカライアスのモチーフとプロセスと素材のすべては、地球上のあらゆる場所が、その上を巡るさまざまな循環によって、複雑かつ必然的に結びついていることを表現しています。まるで旅行記のように、ザカライアスの作品はひとりの観察者と無数の旅する物質が、ほんの少しのあいだ、この地球の上のどこかでひとつの場所をともにしたできことを記録しています。展示される作品のひとつは展示会場である美学校の埃を用いたものであり、もうひとつの指先で描かれた抽象的なドットの一群は北九州の埃を用いています。
日本に20年以上住んでいるカナダ人アーティスト。今日本のアーティストかカナダのアーティスト? いつでも、どこでも、新人の感じをして、中からじゃなくて外から見られる気がする。主に色鉛筆を使って制作活動を行っており、京都芸術祭で国際芸術賞を受賞した。複雑な色使いと混沌とした作風が保守的だとか、芸術的すぎるとの批評家のコメントも理解しているが、彼女にとって芸術とは、商業的でも概念的でもなく、自分自身が楽しんで取り組むものなのだ。
Tana Gallery Bookshelf is pleased to present a solo exhibition of artwork by Canadian artist Michelle Zacharias... continue reading (3, 1 image)Fans of Title of creation here
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Latest Dust Painting: Derecho
13 June 2020
Derecho デレチョ
Dust, ink, gum arabic, and honey on panel
59 cm x 59 cmA derecho comes from the Spanish word with the same spelling that means ‘straight’. In English, a derecho is a widespread, long-lived wind that moves rapidly in a straight line and is associated with... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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Beyond the Screen: Dust 4
23 August 2020
This rough sketch was made for the Art Bye Critique collective's online show, The Screen and Beyond, showing artists' responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
With social isolation, I see the outside through my screened windows a lot more than I do otherwise. Dust that flew in through the window... continue reading (0, 1 image)Fans of Title of creation here
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The Screen and Beyond: Dust 1
23 August 2020
This rough sketch was made for the Art Bye Critique collective's online show, The Screen and Beyond, showing artists' responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
With social isolation, I see the outside through my screened windows a lot more than I do otherwise. Dust that flew in through the window... continue reading (0, 1 image)Fans of Title of creation here
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The Screen and Beyond: Dust 3
23 August 2020
This rough sketch was made for the Art Bye Critique collective's online show, The Screen and Beyond, showing artists' responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
With social isolation, I see the outside through my screened windows a lot more than I do otherwise. Dust that flew in through the window... continue reading (0, 1 image)Fans of Title of creation here
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The Screen and Beyond: Circles 1
24 August 2020
Made for the Art Bye Critique collective's online show, The Screen and Beyond, showing artists' responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This tiny, coloured pencil sketch is from one of two series in this online show and from a larger project in which I was drawing circles as abstracted sunset... continue reading (0, 1 image)Fans of Title of creation here
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Beyond the Screen: Circles 2
24 August 2020
Made for the Art Bye Critique collective's online show, The Screen and Beyond, showing artists' responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This tiny, coloured pencil sketch is from one of two series in this online show and from a larger project in which I was drawing circles as abstracted sunset... continue reading (0, 1 image)Fans of Title of creation here
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The Screen and Beyond: Circles 4
24 August 2020
Made for the Art Bye Critique collective's online show, The Screen and Beyond, showing artists' responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This tiny, coloured pencil, oil pastel, and wax rayon sketch is from one of two series in this online show and from a larger project in which I was... continue reading (0, 1 image)Fans of Title of creation here
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Bye Bye 2020 group show at the Launch Pad Gallery
2 December 2020
One of my dust paintings will be in the Bye Bye 2020 group show at the Launch Pad gallery in Yokohama. If you have not been to this alternative gallery, I recommend checking it out.
*****If you remember the continent of Australia was literally on fire in January. There was... continue reading (2, 1 image)
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Rings at the Launch Pad Gallery
23 July 2021
07.16 - 07.26 2021
13:00 - 19:00
金 〜 月This series of small drawings by Michelle Zacharias began during a dark period in the artist’s life, followed by a longer period of darkness worldwide. After two heart surgeries, Zacharias did not have the energy to do... continue reading (1, 1 image)
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Flower Ring/Circle
23 July 2021
This is one of the 230+ drawings currently on display at the Launch Pad gallery. This particular one is more recent so it doesn’t reference any dust-filled sunsets or viruses. It is an abstracted wisteria. Each one of the drawings are completely different from the other. Some are drawn with... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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5 August 2022
One of two shows/events that I am participating in this month. IN/TANGIBLE is a group show featuring four artists from the Art Byte Critique collective based in Tokyo.
IN/TANGIBLE at the Art for Thought gallery (Friday, July 29—Wednesday, August 10, 2022) brings together four artists who are deeply influenced by... continue reading (1, 1 image)
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TagBoat’s Independent Tokyo 2022 Art Fair
5 August 2022
This is one of two events/shows that I am involved with this month. It is only only for two days: August 6 and 7. The venue is Tokyo Port City Takeshiba, 3F near Hamamatsu station. I am sharing booth no. 97 with Deanna Gabiga aka Studio Deanna. We both have... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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