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About me
はじめまして! 90 lb girl on the outside, Wu Tang Clan on the inside. I love creativity in all mediums and I consistently chase my dreams everyday. I hope to share my art with all those that need a positive hard-working Graphic Designer, and I hope to make Japan my home for the future working within my field.
My Creations
14 February 2017
I've recently started venturing into Illustration! This is a new venture for me, and I'd love to become proficient enough that I can add Illustration elements to my Graphic Designs!
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Photo Editing
14 February 2017
Working for New Look Now, I was a Graphic Designer that acted as a liaison between Plastic Surgeons and Patients. If a patient wanted a realistic idea of what surgery could do for them, I would show them what sort of results they could expect. Ontop of doing the photo-manipulation... continue reading (0, 1 image)
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