New Painting Series of Noum in 2021. The specific colors include more colors than we recognize, along with the memory of that color and the mutual memory of adjacent images of colors.
It can be said that the creator's philosophy in art has a religious character in the sense that it does not necessarily have to match the structure of the natural science material world.
Separation of reality, may an object has no substance from the beginning, but it cannot be proved to be "ego" by theoretically collecting a collection of cells. The extreme exhilaration reverses from the critical point and turns into a psychedelic.
Acrylic on Canvas, 910mm×652mm (2021)
Since the storage location for this series has not been decided yet, we are looking for an exhibition space.
I'm also considering leasing some design templates of my artwork “Noum” for a commercial designer to making their products.
Please contact me if you are interested in making products using these shapes or color patterns.
I am a Visual Artist and also a Musician of Experimental music in Tokyo, Japan.
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