This clothing brand was developed by SkiJapan as a souvenir for tourists to the Niseko region during ski season.
Development of the clothing range first began with negotiations in China and quality control checks at their factory.
The clothing range includes base layers such as thermal top and bottom, balaclava, socks, and glove liners, as well as custom tailored hoodies with extra insulated lining, tee shirts, stickers and bamboo frame glasses.
A Samurai and Geisha Motif overlayed on crossed skis were added to the clothing range during the second season which proved popular with visitors.
All items required tech sheets with precise measurements and colour codes, as well as custom care tags, and branded packaging and swing tags.
Applications include clothing such as hoody, tee, beanies, thermal base layers, socks, sunglasses, and stickers.
I develop English branding, advertising, and marketing materials for businesses and commercial property developments.
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