"Why Not Arm the Students?"

16 June 2019 ● less than 1 min read ● 1 image
"Why Not Arm the Students?"

This is a short story I wrote about gun control, and a hypothetical situation in which a school finds itself supporting the idea of arming a student. It came about as a result of an interview I heard with survivors of a school shooting, in which one students said, "We have like a new normal now."

Story link: https://humanparts.medium.com/why-not-arm-the-students-e9d6f1a3ba65?source=friends_link&sk=01d27263b7f1b7d22dbea347ba2dc3e9

The illustration comes courtesy of Don Barkhouse III, an illustrator based in Osaka. I thought his black and white ink-on-paper style would be a good match for a story like this one. You can find more of him here: https://www.instagram.com/db3.ink.on.paper/

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About Hengtee

Hengtee Lim

I'm a writer in Tokyo, Japan

I'm a Tokyo based writer who does food, coffee, and short fiction. In love with the ever constant ebb and flow of Tokyo life.

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