Wako, the prestigious dept store in Ginza is celebrating their 70th anniversary. They asked me to draw 70 people – Ginza people: tourists, workers, shopping families... all those people that walk around the store daily. We created a composition of spinning cylinders where the people move and meet. It will be on display until sept 20th.
アートディレクター、デザイン:武蔵 淳(和光
Art Direction and Design: Jun Musashi (Wako)
Design: Yuichi Okuda (Wako)
Artwork: Luis Mendo
Photography: Toshihiko Moriya (the first 2 shots below)
Luis Mendo started his professional career in Spain, in 1994. Soon he moved to The Netherlands and as of late, to Japan. In these years ...
So cool! Great work, Luis!
Enhorabuena ! Esta genial !
This is great!
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