Project Esin is running three, 5-day, creative thinking workshops over the next few months in Tokyo (26-30 Oct), Sapporo (2-6 Nov) and Hong Kong (11-15 Nov). Come and join us!
Based loosely on a series of workshops run by Tomato in the early 2000s, the focus will be on making work (a lot of it), making mistakes and challenging yourself to try new things. We have a mix of creatives facilitating including original Tomatos Joel Baumann (Tomato Interactive, Dean Kassel Art school) and Dirk van Dooren (Co-founder Tomato, Ex Fallon, FCB Inferno). It should be interesting.
Full information (inc. a video of our Feb 2015 Tokyo workshop) on the Esin site ( and contact me directly of you are interested in joining as we have some special pricing over the next week or so.
Founder and director of Eat Creative, a branding and communication agency based in Mita Tokyo.
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