Two Can Win!

23 November 2016 ● less than 1 min read ● 0 images

+Here is my short film Two Can Win! (I will upload the Circuital soon). Two Can Win is a commentary on social media and relationships because as much as it connects us, it disconnects us in often the most frivolous ways. This has been an interest of mine in the last year as I have been unfriended/unfollowed by so many people (and been in the middle of friends infighting) and if I just got the chance to talk with them openly it was usually some misunderstanding. With all instances I found at the heart of it all some very basic human emotions envy, pride, and for me most importantly the feeling that the love you give isn’t always given back that cause people to lash out. Thought it would be fun to not directly address it but do it in a more playful metaphoric way, coupled with the child’s narration to reinforce how child like it has become…Check it out<

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About Jesse

Jesse Freeman

I'm an artist in Tokyo, Japan

nothing in particular...bit of everything.

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