Directed by Rick Kawanaka (
Screenwriter Keisuke Nakadai
Assistant director Takashi Koizumi
Director of photography Shin Adachi
vfx Ryo Kibukawa
cast Riko Kudo / Keina Kiriyama / Naoyuki Yamakami / Masaaki Aoi
Awards for Artistic Contribution
Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival 2018
Official Selection
Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival 2018
My last movie working with long-time friend Rick.
We met in our last year of high school and just kept on making films through college... and ended up going to Korea to screen a film we made together.
He was incredibly generous and understanding of my shortcomings as a DP, which I'm eternally grateful for.
This was our first foray into actual stunts and stage equipment, notably an extremely temperamental fog machine, and very expensive (for a shoestring-budget student film) fake glass bottles.
I also doubled as prop master, which included a fake blade made out of wood, aluminum tape, and styrofoam, and sawing a table's legs off.
Born in Japan, raised in Colorado. Likes photography, tech, illustration, architecture, and any image that moves.
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