We met up with Marino in Nogizaka for some portraits and an interview. It started off rainy, but stopped as we slowly wandered the long way to Roppongi.
We talked about the bands she's been in, her involvement in the death metal scene, and how that led to her clothing line, Birth Plague Death.
You can find her IG and website here:
Check out www.millennialsoftokyo.com for more info about our project.
#grindcore #deathmetal #hardcorescene #leadsinger #folkmusic #environmentalstudies #informationstudies #scienceandbiology #awesomemerch #herownbrand #birthplaguedeath #ethnography #altmusicscene #hiddengemsintokyo #wysinati #notalltravelarelost #watchingthisspace #inspired #iykyk #findingcollaborators #theresmoreofusoutthere #tokyo #japan #minamiazabu #roppongi #alternativemusic #awesomeness #millennialsoftokyo #motky #glugtokyo
I have been shooting photos for quite a while, most recently in Tokyo.
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